Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
125 lines
LUM by LCS (C)copyr1985-88 All Rights|
Reserved. |
If not using a RAM diskette for your |
files, set BUFFERS=20 or more in your|
CONFIG.SYS program. |
F1 HELP/FILE view. |
F2 Prints the file on the <file> row |
F3 Sets the lines per page which your|
spread sheet is set for. Normal |
default is to set it for 66/page. |
F4 is the blank lines your sheet has |
placed between lines of text to |
fill to 66 lines/page. When the |
#lines to skip on beginning is 3, |
then this is 6: 3 lines at the end
of one page and 3 lines at the |
beginning of the next page. |
1-2-3: w/ margins = 0, set to 6 |
Symphony: w/ no-break, set to 0 |
F10 exits LUM. |
With 1-2-3 (TM) sheets, set header,|
footer, top, left, and bottom margins|
to zero, 66 lines/page, and no breaks.
Under these conditions: |
<begin line> = 4 <= NOT ONE|
< " page> = 1 <- preset |
#lines/file page<F3> = 66 " |
block skip now <F4> = 6 " |
At the <connect at> row, type the |
number of rows you saved in your sheet
as follows: If you saved row 5 to row
85, that's 85-5+1=81 rows saved, so |
type '81'. LUM replaces it with '132'
because your 1-2-3 sheet made your 81|
rows into 132 lines of .PRN file, with
three blank lines in the beginning, |
(hence begin line = 4), and six blank|
lines before the next lines (hence the
block skip = 6). |
Symphony(TM) or word processor, set|
<begin line> = 1 |
block skip now <F4> = 0 |
If you don't like the way your |
columns with '|' shift to the left, |
see the column align mode discussed in
LUMDOC.2 and search for !@#$%f__k |
as key words. For now, press <F7> to|
to switch it ON: |
If you don't know what your file's |
<begin line> row or block skip <F4> |
should be set at, instead of typing |
<ENTER> at the <F1> help, type the |
name of the file you want to print: |
The number of music notes i.e.
indicates the number of blank lines in
the beginning of the file. Your file|
begin line is one plus the number of
music notes. e.g. if there are two
then set <begin line> = 3. |
The block skip value is simply twice
this value if there's no header or |
footer. The cursor appears in the |
middle of the lines and the line |
number of the cursor appears on the |
top right. |
Please note that some spread sheets|
have a tendency of connecting new file
on top of the old file by the same |
name, so you must delete the old file|
with the same name as the new .PRN |
file. Else you may have misaligned |
lines or plain garbage. Symphony as a
whole may not be too good at producing
predictably reproducible .PRN files as
far as we know. |
The scripts always reset to default|
once you go back to LUM menu but other
values remain the same. |
Use up/down cursor to select rows |
and left/right cursor to decrement or|
increment values (or type the numbers|
yourself). |
Printer 1-3 are parallel ports 1-3 |
Graphic modes are set for Epson(TM)'s|
single/double density.(all seven)|
Begin line is the line to begin print.
" page " " page " " " |
Connect at is for spread sheets. Type
the number of rows you saved from|
your sheet here, LUM calculates |
the required lines. |
Page width tells LUM how wide your |
paper is. |
Margin top tells LUM how much blank |
space to leave on the right side |
of the paper. |
Dot spc/chr leaves that much dot space
between each letter (character). |
Dot spc/line leaves that much dot |
space between each line of text. |
#lines/page reflects the number of |
lines of text which can be printed
given the conditions above. |
|a in text switches on/off superscript
and is read <above>. ^A does the |
same thing as well. |
|b subscript on/off <below> or-> ^B|
|c changes to the alternate font-> ^C|
|d resets it to default font -> ^D|
|r switches reverse on/off -> ^R|
|u switches underline on/off -> ^U|
|1-|8 changes to one of 8 underlines |